Eco-friendly School Supplies
Today, environmentally friendly means much more than just recycling some newspapers and plastic bottles. It employs considerations that not only does not harm the environment, but also to preserve the natural order of things. For example, note cards and invitations made of hemp – a durable material that regenerates, has a pattern of rapid growth and zero pesticides or fertilizers for growing needs; or soy ink and natural dyes for printing and colors – are the means of nature does not allow to add to the carbon footprint. Also reduces the carbon footprint is the use of recycled materials such as paper used for the “new” production of the product.
With the protection of natural resources is a growing concern we all need to do our part to reduce our carbon footprint and put less pressure on the environment. With more than 50 million American children go back to school this fall, it’s overwhelming to think about the amount of school supplies with environmental thinking how many trees it would take for all deliveries of paper and pencil. Environmental practices should be part of the selection of products when making shopping for school. For those who are aware earth have school supplies available that think green and attractive child needs.
Here are suggestions for more environmentally friendly stocks to watch while shopping in the school;
Wooden pencils FSC certified forested again. This guarantee ensures that the wood comes from renewable and sustainable sources, contributing to the preservation of the environment.
Crayons course was to eliminate the use of petroleum-based substances in.
Notebooks and notebook paper-based natural hemp material still needs to grow faster sustainable pesticides.
Blocks Paper and paper rolls made from recycled materials, including newsprint.
Book bags Organic cotton is produced without the use of artificial fertilizers or synthetic pesticides.
Bags made from recycled post-consumer material.
Lunch kits including transport and all the sandwich bags reusable organic cotton and containers and water bottles reusable stainless steel.
Fashion for children, including shirts pants and dresses made of organic fibers such as organic cotton and bamboo.
Children of personal care products, including shampoos, soaps and lotions organic and natural ingredients.
With the availability of a wide selection of current eco-products on the market, it’s easy to keep green while arming your child with the necessary back to school supplies. Can be very challenging, especially during the back to school preparation for the life of a parent