3 Factors To Consider When Preparing Your Home For Solar Energy

Now if you’re thinking of using solar energy to power you home, the main question that should be on your mind is whether or not it is a good idea to go solar? I know what you’re thinking how can converting your home energy supply to solar energy be bad? It’s a renewable, clean and green energy source. Well you see going green is never a bad thing but there are some crucial things that you need to take into account when deciding if solar energy is right for you. These three factors could have a massive impact on the efficiency of your solar panels.

Here are those factors:-

1: Where you live is without a doubt the first real decisive factor to consider. I think its safe to say that without sunlight your solar panels can not generate any electricity. So if you live somewhere that tends to not get a lot of sunlight then your going to struggle to get the power needed to run your home. Maybe you do in fact get very nice sunny summers but what about the other three seasons. This means that you can never independently run your home energy unless you have the perfect weather. Now there are ways round this if you do want to become independent, but it does involve a lot more systems and panels to be installed which isn’t cheap but great for the future.

2: Where you place your solar panels can again have a massive impact on the power that can be generated. Placing the solar panels in a place that grants it the maximum amount of sunlight all through the day. Rooftops are always a favourite choice but remember that the correct angle of incline and the direction in which it should face is a big thing to take into consideration.

3: And lastly is the connection to the grid its self. Having everything in place to monitor and manage your incoming and outgoing power from the main power grid will help you get through the bad days by being able to buy power from the grid and sell power back when days are plentiful. Remember connecting to the grid even if you are independently powering your home means you can sell power, though i am aware that most people who become independent are to far away from a power grid in the first place.